Tijuana Wearing Make Tijuana Great Again

Several charter buses arrive just past midnight Nov. 20, 2018, and in the early hours Nov. 21 to the Unidad Deportiva Benito Juarez, the sports complex that city opened up as a makeshift shelter in Tijuana, Mexico. It's unclear exactly how many migrants had traveled on board. But inside, 3,000 other migrants had been arriving in Tijuana since last week. Overcrowded shelter, with minimal options on space with little other choices, many of them settled into the cold and damp field of the outdoor baseball stadium.

As Central American migrants traveling in a caravan pour into the Mexican border city of Tijuana, they have encountered hostility from some local residents, among them the city's mayor, who denounced some migrants as "bums."

Several hundred local residents protested the arrival of Central American migrants on Nov. 18, some carrying signs that said "No to the invaders" as they marched to a sports complex where 3,000 Central Americans are being housed in a temporary shelter, and busloads more have arrived.

The protesters chanted, "Get out! Get out!" for several hours while police in riot gear prevented the protesters from getting inside.

Several hundred migrants who planned to camp out on a beach by the Pacific Ocean after arriving in Tijuana with the first wave on Nov.  14 were confronted by hundreds of local residents from the Playas de Tijuana neighborhood.

The local residents demanded the migrants leave the beach and head to local shelters. During the confrontation, pushing, shoving, kicking and a couple of blows broke out between masses of residents and migrants.

A growing number of Mexicans are taking to social media to express their displeasure with Central American migrants traveling through their country. They've posted videos characterizing migrants as ingrates for complaining about food they have received or purporting to show them using drugs or committing crimes.

MORE: Court ruling undercuts Homeland Security chief's warning to migrants

The protests seem ironic given that Latinos in the United States have denounced President Donald Trump's rhetoric about the migrant caravan and his characterization of Mexicans entering the country illegally as "rapists" and criminals during his campaign for president.

That's not to say Tijuana is not facing legitimate challenges, observers say. Central American migrants have been arriving there for years, and the latest wave has overwhelmed local shelters. Meanwhile, more migrants continue to arrive almost daily by the busload.

But observers say the backlash has exposed some of the political, racial and class fissures between Mexicans and Central American migrants.

Here are five things to know about what's behind the anti-migrant protests and rhetoric that has emerged in Tijuana.

Xenophobia is playing a role

Northern Mexico has a legacy of xenophobia dating back to the early 20th century, when Mexicans in northern states expelled entire Chinese communities, said Alexander Avina, a history professor at Arizona State University.

Northern Mexico is the country's most prosperous area and tends to be whiter and more conservative than other parts of the country, he said.

Many local residents who joined recent protests in Tijuana came from more well-to-do neighborhoods, including Playas de Tijuana, a beachfront area that is also the most affluent part of Tijuana, he said.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the migrants traveling in the caravan are from Central America, and include many Afro-Latinos from Honduras and migrants from indigenous communities in Guatemala.

"The current xenophobia in Tijuana's wealthier neighborhoods (esp. in Playas de Tijuana) are definitely displaying an anti-black, anti-indigenous racist xenophobia against the caravans," Avina said in an email.

Class likely a bigger factor

Several charter buses arrive just past midnight Nov. 20, 2018, and in the early hours Nov. 21 to the Unidad Deportiva Benito Juarez, the sports complex that city opened up as a makeshift shelter in Tijuana, Mexico. It's unclear exactly how many migrants had traveled on board. But inside, 3,000 other migrants had been arriving in Tijuana since last week. Overcrowded shelter, with minimal options on space with little other choices, many of them settled into the cold and damp field of the outdoor baseball stadium.

Although it is "undeniable" that there are stronger racial prejudices in northern Mexico, including against people from largely indigenous parts of southern Mexico, class is probably a bigger factor behind the anti-migrant rhetoric and protests, said Everard Meade, a history professor and director of the University of San Diego's Trans-Border Institute.

The migrants arriving in Tijuana come largely from impoverished communities in the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, among the poorest region in Latin America. In Honduras, more than 66 percent of the population lives in poverty and in rural areas one in five people lives in extreme poverty, according to the World Bank.

"There is a bigger gap between Mexico and Honduras than Mexico and the U.S. Mexico is a relatively wealthy country. Honduras is poor. And Honduras is much poorer than Guatemala," Meade said.

Political undercurrents

The mayor's anti-migrant rhetoric and the anti-migrant protests seem surprising given Tijuana's reputation as a city that has welcomed migrants. In Tijuana, several thousand Haitians received help finding jobs, starting small businesses and learning Spanish after initially being turned away by U.S. border officers at ports of entry during President Barack Obama's final year in office.

There has been speculation that pro-Trump Latinos from California orchestrated the protests in Tijuana. But Meade said the anti-migrant sentiment is likelier rooted in political frustration after leftist populist candidate Manual Andres Lopez Obrador won Mexico's presidential election in July.

MORE: Conditions worsen at shelter as more migrants approach Tijuana

Lopez Obrador's landslide victory was a blow to Mexico's long-established political forces, the conservative PAN party and the centrist PRI party.

The state of Baja California, which includes Tijuana, is traditionally a stronghold of Mexico's conservative, pro-business PAN party, along with the PRI.

Many Panistaseither didn't vote for Lopez Obrador during the presidential election or voted for him because they "were fed up with the existing politicians, political parties, and political structure," Meade said.

Although Lopez Obrador, leader of the newly formed Morena party, still hasn't taken office — he will be sworn in Dec. 1 — some local residents may be projecting a feeling of "buyer's remorse" onto migrants arriving in the caravan, Meade said.

"For people who are more conservative ... any sort of policy or phenomenon that looks like more of the same intractable problems, whether it's the violence from drug trafficking or whether it's the arrival of a considerable number of migrants and asylum seekers from the same countries that have been sending them for years, just underscores that fact," Meade said.

Mayor's rhetoric likely inspired by Trump

Tijuana's mayor, Juan Manuel Gastelum, is likely borrowing anti-migrant rhetoric that Trump has used effectively rally his base, said Cecilia Menjivar, a UCLA sociology professor who studies Central American migration.

In an interview last week with Mexico's Milenio television, Gastelum suggested that some migrants arriving with the caravan were criminals.

"I would dare say that not all of them are migrants," Gastélum said.  "Sure, there are some good people in the caravan, but many are very bad for the city."

His comments echoed comments Trump tweeted in October, after the migrant caravan pushed through gates on an international bridge from Guatemala into Mexico and were headed toward the United States. Trump tweeted "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed" into the migrant caravan, calling it a national emergency.

Afterward, Trump applauded Gastelum in a tweet.

"The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico, just stated that 'the City is ill-prepared to handle this many migrants, the backlog could last 6 months.' Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!" Trump tweeted.

Gastelum is a member of the Mexico's conservative PAN party. He has been seen in public wearing a red "Make Tijuana Great Again" hat in the style of Trump's "Make America Great Again" hat.

"Mexico is very connected to the United States," Menjivar said. "We live in a global world, so people are very much attuned to what is going on in the U.S. and everyone knows what language Trump is using and the rhetoric and the attitude.

"So, it's not surprising that other people are copying him. Because some politicians see themselves in a similar position, with migrants coming, and they see them as invading and they see the parallels and they mimic and they borrow the same narratives and the same rhetoric."

Anti-migrant protests not representative

The mayor's anti-migrant rhetoric and protests have received international attention. Conservative commentators in the United States, such as Fox News' Tucker Carlson, have seized on the anti-migrant rhetoric in Tijuana to bolster their own arguments.

"Angry Mexican Citizens March AGAINST Migrant Caravan: 'This Is an Invasion,' 'Trump Is Right!'," Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, tweeted.

But the anti-migrant protests in Tijuana most likely are not representative of most Mexicans' sentiments, Menjivar said.

Tijuana is a city of 1.6 million people, but Menjivar noted that the protests were small by Mexican standards, attracting only several hundred people.

Central Americans who travel through Mexico trying to reach the United States face many dangers, including being preyed upon by violent criminal organizations, and corrupt Mexican immigration officials and police who often demand bribes, she said.

MORE: Job fair kicks off for migrants facing long wait times in Tijuana

But along their journey, Central Americans also often receive food, shelter, clothing, transportation and other humanitarian assistance, not just from church groups, but from civil organizations and local and state governments, she said.

Migrants traveling with the caravan have received an outpouring of generosity in many of the towns where they have stopped along the way, including in Juchitan, in the state of Oaxaca, where the municipal president devoted considerable resources to providing food, water and temporary shelter to thousands of migrants despite still recovering from last year's powerful earthquake.

"The fact that they have been able to make it all the way to Tijuana is a testament to the support they have been able to receive along the way, from Mexicans," she said. "So it's a more complex story. And you see the same thing here. The American public is not all behind the president. There are many groups  that are helping immigrants, and helping immigrant rights and recognizing the plight of the migrants."

Javier Arce of La Voz contributed to this story.


  • Migrants in caravan streaming into Tijuana, but now face long stay
  • 'Todos, todos, todos': Migrants consider crossing river to Mexico in bid to reach U.S.
  • Migrant caravan pushes through perilous stretch as Trump's military warnings continue


Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/immigration/2018/11/25/5-things-know-whats-behind-anti-migrant-protests-tijuana/2070666002/

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